
SAF production to triple in 2024 amid calls for policy support

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) forecasts a tripling of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) production in 2024, with expectations of 1.9 billion liters. Further policy support is deemed essential for achieving significant diversification, IATA claims. 

The expected level of SAF production in 2024 would cover 0.53% of aviation’s fuel needs for that year. This increase is crucial for the industry’s goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, with SAF expected to account for 65% of the required carbon mitigation.

More measures needed

IATA emphasizes the need for more extensive policy measures, as it deems the concrete plans a “far from sufficient”. “Governments have set clear expectations for aviation to achieve a 5% CO2 emissions reduction through SAF by 2030 and to be net zero carbon emissions by 2050. They now need to implement policies to ensure that airlines can actually purchase SAF in the required quantities,” IATA’s Director General Willie Walsh stated.

IATA’s projections show that if all announced renewable fuel projects proceed, production capacity could reach 51 million tonnes by 2030, although SAF currently accounts for only 3% of this output. Governments, through the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), have set an ambition for a 5% CO2 reduction from SAF by 2030, necessitating around 27% of renewable fuel production capacity to be SAF.

IATA: diversify feedstocks 

To accelerate SAF production, IATA proposes diversifying feedstocks, utilizing co-processing at existing refineries, and providing targeted incentives. The organization also underscores the importance of stable, long-term tax credits and investment support, such as the US Grand Challenge's $3 billion investment, to enhance SAF production capabilities.