
Start construction of E-Jet production factory: SAF made from air

Construction of the first commercial-scale E-Jet fuel production facility has started in Moses Lake, Washington (US). This is an important milestone, as E-Jet fuel is SAF produced using a revolutionary carbon transformation technology, which uses only renewable energy and water to transform CO2 into fuel.

Twelve, the carbon transformation company that utilizes the new technology, plans to begin E-Jet fuel production at the new factory in mid-2024 at a capacity of approximately five barrels per day (150,000 litres per year). There are plans to quickly increase production capacity.

Power-to-liquid SAF

E-Jet is a power-to-liquid SAF with up to 90% lower lifecycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to conventional, petroleum-based jet fuel. It is a ‘drop-in’ ready synthetic fuel that functions well with existing aircraft and airport infrastructure. Finance.Yahoo reports that the new jet fuel faces no real constraints on feedstock. Therefore, E-Jet offers “the best viable long-term solution for addressing GHG and other emissions from the aviation sector.”

E-Jet, made from air

Twelve makes E-Jet from air. It calls itself a ‘carbon transformation company’, a new kind of chemical company built for the climate era. The company states: “We make essential products from air. Our groundbreaking technology eliminates emissions by transforming CO2 into critical chemicals, materials and fuels that today are made from fossil fuels. We call it carbon transformation, and it fundamentally changes how we can address climate change, reduce emissions and reverse the carbon imbalance.”